I am currently reading Mercy by Jodi Picoult. It's taking much longer than usual to get through this book. Mostly because I can only read it on Thursdays when the kiddos have their music lessons. Those flowers are from their music teacher's yard. So lovely.

Matthew loves to make silly faces. Love that kid.
All the kitties like to cuddle up in one small tiny bed. I'm going to have to make them a bigger one as the kitties are growing fast.

The insert this week is a conversation with Matthew. I'll talk a little bit more about this layout tomorrow.

Matthew made himself a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich this week and precisely cut off the crust. He was so proud of his creation that he asked me, "Doesn't it look like we bought it at Starbucks?"

I love the look on hubby's face when Matthew showed him what he's been working on the past few days. Glad I captured that!
Yes, my son made a scythe. ::gasp::
Yes, my son made a scythe. ::gasp::

The photo of my computer screen shows what it usually looks like: lots of tabs open at once. I don't think I can ever get on a computer and have only one tab open. It drives my hubby crazy when he wants to use my computer for a quick task.
That's all for now. Thank you so much for stopping by. ::wave::
That's all for now. Thank you so much for stopping by. ::wave::
Project Life is a fabulous product by Becky Higgins. You can find out more information about Project Life on Becky Higgins' website. You can also view all of my Project Life posts here.
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